2016年1月23日 星期六

XO醬韭黃炒腸粉 (Pan-Fried Rice Flour Rolls with XO Sauce)

腸粉是很多人包括芊如都喜歡的香港平民小吃, 早餐也好消夜也好, 總是有捧場客, 用XO醬炒腸粉既矜貴又惹味!

如要重溫自制腸粉食譜, 可參考如何自制香滑鮮蝦腸粉 (Homemade Rice Flour Rolls with Shrimp), 只要不加入海蝦及蔥粒, 便可做出素腸粉!

食材 (Ingredients)
腸粉 6條 (6 Rice Rolls)
韭黃 適量 (Leek Sprouts Appropriate)
指天椒 隨意 (Red Peppers Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
XO醬 1湯匙 (XO Sauce 1 tablespoon)
生抽 1.5湯匙 (Soy Sauce 1.5 tablespoon)
老抽 少許 (Dark Soy Sauce Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 將腸粉切段
Cut the leek sprouts into pieces

2 韭黃洗淨切段
Cut the leek sprouts into pieces

3 燒熱平底鑊, 下腸粉煎香兩面, 再加入韭黃, XO醬快炒, 最後加入調味料及指天椒炒勻, 即成XO醬韭黃炒腸粉
Heat up some oil in a non-sticky pan, put the rice rolls in and pan-fry, add the leek sprouts, XO sauce and stir-fry. Then add the rest of the seasonings, stir-fry until fully cooked. Enjoy!


