2015年9月26日 星期六

自制香滑鮮蝦腸粉 (Homemade Rice Flour Rolls with Shrimp)

港式點心中, 除了蝦餃燒賣外, 芊如最喜歡的便是滑滑的腸粉, 這個食譜做出來的腸粉皮, 可以媲美茶樓, 皮薄而且蝦仁彈牙新鮮

食材 (Ingredients)
蝦仁 200克 (Shrimps 200g)
蔥粒 適量 (Chopped Spring Onions Appropriate)

海蝦醃料 (Shrimp Marinade)
海鹽 適量 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
白糖 適量 (Sugar Appropriate)
胡椒粉 適量 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
麻油 適量 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)
生粉 適量 (Corn Starch Appropriate)

腸粉皮材料 (Rice Flour Rolls Ingredients)
海鹽 0.25茶匙 (Sea Salt 0.25 teaspoon)
粘米粉 90克 (Rice Flour 90g)
生粉 30克 (Corn Starch 30g)
清水 240克 (Water 240g)

腸粉豉油材料 (Special Soy Sauce Ingredients)
冰糖 10克 (Rock Sugar 10g)
清水 25克 (Water 25g)
生油 25克 (Soy Sauce 25g)

工具 (Tools)
腸粉布 (Rice Roll Cloth)
腸粉盤 (Roasting Tray)
膠片 (Plastic Board)
膠刮刀 (Plastic Scraper)

步驟 (Steps)
1 蝦仁去蝦殼及蝦腸, 用廚房紙印乾水份及用蝦醃料腌約20分鐘
處理方法請參考芊如秘訣 - 如何令蝦肉爽脆彈牙
Peel off the shrimp's shell and remove the vein, pat dry with kitchen paper. Marinate the shrimps with shrimp marinade for 20 minutes

2 準備蒸盤, 腸粉布和膠刮刀
Prepare the roasting tray, rice roll cloth and plastic scraper

3 腸粉布浸於凍水中
Soak the cloth in water

4 將腸粉皮材料拌勻成腸粉漿
Mix the rice flour rolls ingredients in a large bowl.

5 將腸粉布置於腸粉盤上
Laying the wet cloth on the top of the roasting tray

6 將足夠的腸粉漿倒在腸粉布上並排上蝦仁
Ladle enough batter to cover tray and add in shrimps

7 燒滾鍋中水, 用大火蒸約3分鐘後, 取出並放上蔥粒
Steam for about 3 minutes. Remove from wok and sprinkle some scallions

8 拿起腸粉布, 並攤在已塗上食用油的膠片上, 用膠刮刀將腸粉卷摺, 分成3至4段
Place roll on oiled plastic board, then with a scraper gently create a roll and slice the roll in 3 to 4 sections

9 重複步驟5-8至腸粉漿用完
Repeat steps 5-8 until batter is used up

10 煮溶腸粉豉油材料, 加入腸粉內及撤上蔥粒, 即成美味軟滑鮮蝦腸粉
Dissolve the special soy sauce ingredients and mix everything well together. Serve hot with the sauce and maybe some chilli oil. Enjoy!

1 製作腸粉的工具可在上海街買到


