2016年4月24日 星期日

蒔蘿蒜蓉蒸象拔蚌仔 (Steamd Mini Geoduck Clams with Garlic and Dill)

香草當中, 芊如最愛蒔蘿, 其獨有的味道與海鮮十分匹配; 象拔蚌一般用蒜蓉蒸, 又或打邊爐用, 芊如今次用了蒔蘿來蒸, 海鮮味道更突出!

食材 (Ingredients)
象拔蚌仔 6隻 (6 Mini Geoduck Clams)
粉絲 適量 (Dry Vermicelli/Glass Noodles Appropriate)
蒜蓉 隨意 (Chopped Garlic Appropriate)
蒔蘿 隨意 (Dill Appropriate)
蔥粒 隨意 (Chopped Spring Onions Appropriate)
熟油 適量 (Hot Oil Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
蒸魚豉油 適量 (Seasoned Soy Sauce for Seafood Appropriate)

步驟 (Steps)
1 象拔蚌仔去肺部(黃啡色的), 將腸及內臟除去, 刷洗貝殼備用
Rinse the clams, cut away the blackish sags of innards & clean thoroughly, Scrub the shells and set aside

2 蒔蘿洗淨, 切碎, 備用
Rinse the dill and chop

3 粉絲用清水浸軟, 用廚房較剪剪短及瀝乾水份, 排放在碟底
Soak the vermicelli in water until soft and drain

4 將洗淨了的象拔蚌仔放在粉絲上, 加入蒜蓉和蒔蘿
Place the clams on top of the vermicelli. Then top with chopped garlic and dill

5 象拔蚌用大火蒸4分鐘燒熱滾水, 加入蔥粒, 蒸魚豉油及贊上滾熟油, 即成美味蒔蘿蒜蓉蒸象拔蚌仔
Steam the clams over high heat for 4 minutes, sprinkle on the chopped spring onions, Pour the seasoned soy sauce for seafood and hot oil over the clams and serve immediately. Enjoy!



