2016年1月10日 星期日

泰式金不換茄子 (Thai Spicy Eggplant with Sweet Basil)

茄子是家常蔬菜, 它的紫皮中更含有比其他蔬菜還要豐富的維他命E和P; 外出吃的茄子料理都會先走油, 讓茄子保有鮮豔亮麗的顏色, 但通常都較油膩, 所以自家煮時芊如會用汆燙的方式, 吃起來更健康!

食材 (Ingredients)
茄子 2條 (2 Eggplants)
蒜粒 3瓣 (3 Cloves Garlic)
金不換 適量 (Sweet Basil Appropriate)
指天椒 隨意 (Red Chillies Appropriate)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
白醋 少許 (White Vinegar Appropriate)
冰水 適量 (Ice Water Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
白糖 1.5茶匙 (Sugar 1.5 teaspoons)
蠔油 2湯匙 (Oyster Sauce 2 tablespoons)
生抽 1茶匙 (Soy Sauce 1 teaspoon)
清水 3湯匙 (Water 3 tablespoons)

步驟 (Steps)
1 茄子洗淨切成塊狀
Rinse the eggplants and cubed into big chunks

2 燒滾一鍋水, 轉中火, 加入海鹽和白醋, 下茄子略汆燙3分鐘
Boil some water in a pot, turn to medium heat, add sea salt and white vinegar, then the eggplants to blanch for 3 minutes

3 將汆燙好的茄子塊放入冰水中冷卻
Blanched eggplants into ice water until cool down

4 將茄子再切成條狀及瀝乾水份
Cut the eggplants into strips and drain

5 蒜及指天椒切粒, 金不換洗淨; 用碗將調味料拌勻, 備用
Chop the garlic and red chillies, rinse sweet basil and mix the seasonings in a bowl, set aside

6 燒熱油鑊, 爆香蒜粒和指天椒粒
Pour some oil in the pan and heat, saute the garlic and red chillies until fragrant.

7 下茄子炒勻, 加入步驟5拌好的調味料, 不斷爆炒
Add eggplants and the mixed seasonings (step 5), keep stir-fry

8 再加入金不換炒至茄子變軟及收汁
Sprinkle the sweet basil, stir-fry until the eggplants nicely soft and sauce thicken

9 上碟, 即成金不換茄子
Dish up and serve hot


