2015年12月5日 星期六

韓式海鮮大醬湯 (Seafood Doenjang Jjigae/Korean Soybean Paste Stew with Seafood)

天氣明顯凍了很多, 來個熱湯是常識! 今次的大醬湯是韓國特色料理, 用韓國大醬(豆醬)為主要材料煮成的湯, 今次芊如用了全海鮮及加入少許大地魚粉, 湯頭更鮮味!

食材 (Ingredients)
白蘿蔔 0.5條 (0.5 Radish)
本菇 隨意 (Shimeji Mushroom Appropriate)
金菇 隨意 (Enoki Mushroom Appropriate)
石班片 隨意 (Sea Bass Slices Appropriate)
魷魚片 隨意 (Squid Slices Appropriate)
海蝦 4隻 (4 Prawn)

魚醃料 (Fish Marinade)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
胡椒粉 少許 (White Pepper Flake Appropriate)
紹興酒 少許 (Shaoxing Rice Wine Appropriate)
麻油 少許 (Sesame Oil Appropriate)

大醬湯 (Doenjang Jjigae)
大地魚粉 1.5茶匙 (Dried Flatfish Flake 1.5 teaspoons)
韓式麵豉醬 2湯匙 (Korean Soybean Paste 2 tablespoons)
清水 適量 (Water Appropriate)

看似火辣, 但其實只是微辣, 一般人都能接受!

步驟 (Steps)
1 白蘿蔔洗乾及切塊, 本菇和金菇洗乾及瀝乾水份
Rinse all the veggies, cut radish into large chunks and drain

2 石班片用魚醃料略醃
Marinate the sea bass slices with Fish Marinade for 2 hours

3 魷魚及海蝦洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾水份, 魷魚開花, 備用
Rinse the squid and prawn, pat dry with kitchen paper, Squid cut into sections and make crisscross incisions. Set aside

4 燒熱一鍋水加入大地魚粉, 下白蘿蔔煮約15分鐘
Heat up water for the soup, add in dried flatfish flake and radish, leave to boil for about 15 minutes

5 約15分鐘後, 加入韓式麵豉醬
fter 15 minutes, add the Korean soybean paste

6 依次加入本菇, 海蝦和石班片
Add the shimeji mushroom, prawn and sea bass slices

7 再下金菇和魷魚片至材料全熟
Then add the enoki mushroom and squid slices, boil until fully cooked

8 即成韓式海鮮大醬湯

Serve hot


