2015年12月20日 星期日

奶油津白 (Chinese Creamed Cabbage with Goji Berries)

去上海菜館時必點奶油津白, 常常以為這個菜式很難在家做, 其實並不!! 芊如曾經試過用脫脂奶去做這道菜, 卻發現其實用全脂奶更香甜綿滑, 奶油味更濃; 此版本沒有加入忌廉, 不會有太heavy的感覺, 濃而不膩!

食材 (Ingredients)
津白/娃娃菜 300克 (Chinese Cabbage/Baby Chinese Cabbage 300g)
薑 2-3片 (2-3 Ginger Slices)
蒜蓉 4-5粒 (4-5 Chopped Garlic)
杞子 適量 (Goji Berries Appropriate)

調味料 (Seasonings)
清雞湯 1杯 (Chicken Stock 1 cup)
海鹽 少許 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
白糖 少許 (Sugar Appropriate)
生粉水 適量 (Cornstarch Mixture Appropriate)
全脂奶 1細盒 (Whole Milk 1 small box)

步驟 (Steps)
1 津白/娃娃菜洗淨後切成長段及瀝乾水份
Wash cabbage stems and cut into sections and drain

2 薑切片
Slice the ginger

3 蒜頭切成蓉, 杞子洗淨備用
Chop the garlic, rinse the goji berries and set aside

4 高溫燒熱鑊, 爆香薑片及蒜蓉, 放入津白/娃娃菜炒勻, 加入清雞湯煮至菜軟身
Heat up the oil with high heat. Add ginger slices and chopped garlic stir until fragrant. Add the cabbage and stir. Pour chicken stock and cook until it soft

5下海鹽, 白糖調味, 收細火, 加入全脂奶拌勻, 再下生粉水打芡
Sprinkle the sea salt and sugar to the pan then turn to low heat. Pour the whole milk and stir, add the cornstarch mixture and stir the sauce until it thickens

6 放入杞子, 即成香滑奶油津白
Garnish the creamed cabbage with goji berries. Serve immediately


