2015年11月29日 星期日

鐵板黑椒牛排(Sizzling Steak in Black Pepper Sauce)

芊如買了鐵板回家, 很想試試用鐵板做不同的菜式, 今次用上安格斯牛排, 貪其肉質細嫩而且油花分佈均勻, 配上自家製黑椒汁惹味十足

食材 (Ingredients)
安格斯牛排 1塊 (1 Angus Beef Steak)
洋蔥 0.5個 (0.5 Onion Rings)
蕃茄 1個 (1 Tomato)

牛排醃料 (Steak Marinade)
海鹽 適量 (Sea Salt Appropriate)
橄欖油 適量 (Olive Oil Appropriate)

黑椒汁 (Black Pepper Sauce)
牛油 適量 (Butter Appropriate)
洋葱粒 20克 (Chopped Onion 20g)
黑椒碎 8克 (Black Pepper Flake 8g)
罐頭牛尾湯 70克 (Beef Broth 70g)

步驟 (Steps)
1 洋蔥 0.5個切成圓圈圈狀, 蕃茄切塊, 備用
Prepare onion rings and dice tomatoes, set aside

2 牛排洗淨, 用廚房紙印乾, 用牛排醃料醃約15分鐘
Rinse the steak. Pat it dry with kitchen paper. Then add the steak marinade condiments for about 15 minutes

3 鐵板放上牛油
Put the butter on sizzling plate

4 放入洋蔥圈及蕃茄塊, 加入少許黑胡椒碎
Place the onion rings and tomato on the plate, sprinkle black pepper flake over the veggie

5 平底鑊燒熱後下少許橄欖油, 放入醃好的牛排, 用中火每面煎2分鐘
Heat up the olive oil in a non-sticky pan with high heat, add the marinated steak. Turn to medium heat and grill 2 minutes for each side

6 將煎好的牛排取出馬上放碟上, 用錫紙蓋封待5分鐘
Remove the steak from heat immediately and rest the meat wrapped in foil for 5 minutes

7 燒熱鐵板
Heat up the sizzling plate

8 另一個鑊內放入牛油, 加入洋葱粒, 用中小火爆香
Heat up the butter in another non-sticky pan with high heat, add the chopped onion, turn to medium low heat and stir-fry until smelling the taste of onion

9 加入黑椒碎及牛尾湯, 煮至黑椒汁收乾
Add the black pepper flake and beef broth, stir until the black pepper sauce thicken

10 牛排置鐵板的洋蔥圈上, 淋上黑椒汁, 即成美味鐵板黑椒牛排
Place the steak on onion rings and serve the black pepper sauce on top. Serve hot!

1 步驟6 用錫紙蓋封牛排數分鐘, 讓牛排休息(rest), 可令牛排的肉質更軟滑及多汁(juicy)

2 各大罐頭牛尾湯濃稠度不一, 請因應個人喜好,加入清水稀釋


